Friday, December 6, 2013

Europe Part 2

Christmas Past 4
Europe 1356 c.e

The next morning I went in to check on my sister in the back room and she showed me boils that had began to form under her armpits and by her private area. Her finger nails had also begin to turn dark black inside the nail bed. I had no clue what to do and I did not want to be here when she past away. I told her that it had gotten to bad to hide it from our mother any longer and that I was going to tell her. She was to weak to argue with me about it. I called my mother into the room and informed her that Chrissy was very sick and she would soon die from the horrible disease she began to cry and pray. She began to tell us that some situations happen for a reason and she believed that this was to prove that there is no difference between rich and poor. The words that ran through my mind the most was that "situations happen for a reason". I walked into another room and realized that I was given the life I had for a reason and I cried for Santa Clause to come back and take me home. He snapped his fingers and I was back in America in my own bed where I belonged. I was not mean to be a princess of Egypt or a part of a family that would all eventually die from "Black Death. I was suppose to be right here with my family although they got on my nerves sometimes. This situation taught me to be happy with my own life because you never know what other problems people are facing. The sun had started to rise and it was Christmas day and I just thought to myself I had one crazy night.
Finger nails and skin during "Black Death"


Christmas Past 3
Europe 1356 c.e.
    I woke up to a woman praying and talking about how her daughters would not be a victim of some form of evil spirit. This was not at all even close to the life I just had as a beautiful princess in Egypt. I was assuming that the woman that was praying was my mother in this lifetime and because she was talking about her daughters I was also assuming that I had her sister around the house somewhere. I walked around till I found her and she was in a back room with flowers surrounding her. I asked her what our mother was praying about and she told me about a disease that was going around Europe that was killing people. She also told me that she had a secret to tell me that I could not tell our mother. She whispered "I think I have the disease that is killing people." She told me she had a cold and thats how it all starts. She said " I know mother told us to stay in the house but sister I had to see Chad to see if he was okay." All I could think to myself was if I was next and was "black death" contagious because me and my new mother was in the house with her. I told her she had to tell our mother because she needed help and treatment. She responded and informed me that there was no treatment and she would probably be dead by the end of the week. One of her best friends had already past from it and the love of her life was next. She told me that her life would never be the same without them and she would rather just go ahead to heaven. I told her that no matter how this situation played out that life goes on and God will get you through this.

Some believed that prayer was the only answer to "Black Death"

Egypt Part II

Christmas Past 2
    The next morning I woke up in a beautiful palace. I looked around the palace for Thutmose because I just had to get more answers about this new life I had come into. I ran right into him and ordered him to tell me more and he laughed jokingly and told me he was far from a servant. I asked him where did my name "Neferure" come from? He told me that the first part "Neferu" meant the beauty of something and the last part "re" was taking from the sun god and creator of heaven and earth who held the highest place of honor. He went on to describe how we were both powerful individuals but this god was considered greater than any other deity in the egyptian pantheon. He explained to me how the Nile river was just as important to our Egyptian lifestyle because of how fertile the layers were and it is the longest river in the world. After he went on and on about "re" I asked him about our father. His facial expression changed and he wanted to know was I sure I wanted to get into this story. I nodded yes but I  had a feeling it was about to be something really serious. He started with "Well Neferure you have a tutor by the name Senenmut and we always knew that your mother was madly in love with him and some say that is your father and he treats you like you are the princess of his world. After he told me that I just really needed a break from hearing about my life so he left. I had begin to realize that this life was not for me. I have a brother who has a crush on me and a tutor who is really my father. Tears had started to fall down my cheeks and I saw Santa Clause appear and ask me was I ready for my next journey and that this one had come to an end. I replied yes with hopes that my next life would be a little better.
The Nile River in Egypt
Block Statue of Senenmut holding young Neferure


Christmas Past
   1480 B.C.E
    It was a dark and stormy night as I drifted off to sleep. I had been waiting up all night so that I could see Santa Clause. I had one wish that I wanted to be granted and that was to have a new family somewhere far, far away. As I dozed off one more time I saw a chubby man with a white beard and he said "Braielyn, I can not just give you one wish but I have two for you." My eyes lit up in amazement and I told him to send me to four different places and to make sure I never come back. I had begin to spin around rapidly and then dust begin to whirl around me. When I awoke I saw thousands of men transporting blocks of stone and I realized they were creating pyramids. I heard someone coming towards me yelling "Neferure!, Neferure!, Neferure!"and I screamed to him "My name is Braielyn and how did I get here?" The unfamiliar male figure looked at me with the most confused expression that I have ever seen. He wanted to know who was this Braielyn that I spoke of and told me that I was a princess, the daughter of a powerful pharaoh Hatsheput. I told the figure that I had a nasty fall and could not remember anything and could he fill me in on my life if he knew anything. "Well as I have said your mothers name is Hatsheput and your father's name is Thutmose II and I am Thutmose III. We are more like best friends but some believe we have a little love interest going on. Your mother is very powerful and she likes to show her power through her clothing so sometimes she goes into our father's closet from time to time." I chuckled and thought to myself I could really get use to this lifestyle. A land where I am a beautiful princess with a cute best friend/ brother. That was the only weird part because you know because situations like that would be looked down upon in America.
Princess Neferure the daughter of Hatsheput

Notable female pharaoh, Hatsheput
Half-brother of Neferure, Thutmose II